Contact Us

We are here to help. For technical assistance with your order, any technical support questions related to the product order, or refund requests, please email us at or send the form below. We can only receive requests through email.

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Q. How can I request a refund?

We give you a 30-day money-back guarantee. It's risk-free because you can get a full refund within 30 days. No hassle, no stress. Please contact the technical sales team at and they will be able to process your refund for you quickly and easily. Your original payment method will be credited with the full order amount as soon as possible.

Q. Where are my product links or how to access it?

Once you purchase the product, or the access to the method, you will receive a "welcome" email that contains your product links or the login and password for our member area to access the method there. Please check your spam folder if you haven't received the email in your inbox. Click the button that says "Report Not Spam" to move it to your inbox.

Q. For how long will I have access?

If you have access to our member area through a login and password, the period of access is 1 year; after that, you will have the option to renew for one more year. If you don't want to renew, you don't have to do anything.

Q. Can men and women use this method?

Yes. The method is for both men and women. The method is the main structure for good and real results.

Q. Is PayPal available to buy the method access? Do you have better payment methods?

Yes, but PayPal has more fees at the moment. We recommend other payment methods such as Cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Link, etc.